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Automatic plastic bottle servo motor high accuracy liquid lubricant oil filling machine
IntellectualHighViscosityFillingMachineisthenew-generationimprovedvolumetricfillingmachinewhichisSuitableformaterial:agrochemicalSC,pesticide,dishwasher,theoilkind,softener,detergentcreamclasscontourviscositymaterials..Thewholemachineusesthein-linestructureanditisdrivenbytheservomotor. Volumetricfillingprinciplecanrealizethehighprecisionoffilling.ItiscontrolledbythePLC,humaninterfaceandeasyoperation.Themachineisequippedwithelectricscaleweightfeedbacksystemwhichmakesthevolumeadjustmenteasier. itisanicechoiceforfoodstuff,pharmacy,cosmeticandchemicalindustries.Thisseriesofmodelsuitableforliquidandsemi-automaticliquidwithoutgas.Automaticcountingiscompletedintothebottle,quantitativefilling,andbottleconveyingaseriesofoperations.
Product Description
Intellectual High Viscosity Filling Machine is the new-generation improved volumetric filling machine which is Suitable for material: agrochemical SC,pesticide ,dishwasher ,the oil kind ,softener ,detergent cream class contour viscosity materials. . The whole machine uses the in-line structure and it is driven by the servo motor. Volumetric filling principle can realize the high precision of filling. It is controlled by the PLC, human interface and easy operation. The machine is equipped with electric scale weight feedback system which makes the volume adjustment easier. it is a nice choice for foodstuff, pharmacy, cosmetic and chemical industries.
This series of model suitable for liquid and semi-automatic liquid without gas. Automatic counting is completed into the bottle, quantitative filling, and bottle conveying a series of operations.
Main performance patameter:
1. Capacity:≤4000 bottles/hour (500ml as medium)
2. Applicable Bottle Type:Round bottle Φ40-100 mm,Height 80-280 mm
Flat bottle (40-100mm)*(40-100mm)*(80-280mm)(L×W×H)
3. Bottle's mouth diameter:≥φ25mm
4. filling range:100-5000ml
5. Precision: (100ml) ±1% ;(100ml-1000ml)±0.5%
6. Air pressure : 0.6~0.8 MPA
7.Air consumption:120L/minute
8. Power Source:~380V,50HZ
9. Power:2.5KW
10. External Dimension:2440×1150×2300mm(L×W×H)
11. Weight:About 850Kg
12.Productiin line height:850mm±50mm
13.Filling materials:Viscosity liquid
14.Bottle feed direction:From left to right
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ADDRESS: no 1616, south second ring east road, jintan district, changzhou city, jiangsu province
Machines et équipements
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